„EIT Digital Innovation Factory 2022“ informacinė sesija Šiaurės ir Baltijos šalių regionui ketvirtadienį, balandžio 21 d.

    Innovation Factory 2022 is helping startup teams to take all steps to commercialize a digital technology in 6 months period.  EIT Digital Baltics team will help you put together a good project application  which will include:

    • A product / service that solves an important problem
    • A team and partners dedicated to building a successful business who are ready to work together for six months
    • Evidence of market demand, for example through a paying pilot

    For small equity stake EIT Digital will invest up to € 250,000 to be spent in the 6-month long period. Entrepreneurs, industry representatives, researchers, solution providers and developers, accelerators and incubators, and business innovation teams are invited to participate.

    The focus is on teams solving problems in the areas of digital infrastructure (IoT, 5G, AI, etc.), digital cities, healthcare, digital industry or fintech. One important criteria is that the submitted projects are international. In addition, there should be at least 2 partners.

    As a first step please participate in information sessioon on 21 April or fill up a proposal summary form on https://info.accelerator.eitdigital.eu/innovation-factory-toolkit

    The deadlines for application is 7 June.

    About EIT Digital

    EIT Digital was set up in 2009 to accelerate the market uptake of digital innovations and support European regional development. The organization has offices throughout Europe. From October 2021 there is an office in Tallinn

    Important Links

    More information and support for call preparation: baltics@eitdigital.eu