

    No. Aplication number Patento numeris Invention name Applicant
    1.  2022 017 Biomass pellets/fertilizer for maize, hemp, and beans multicrop Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    2.  2021 534 Treatment of waste contaminated with organophosphorus compounds Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    3.  2020 561 6924 Method of increasing non-psychotropic cannabinoids in the leaves and inflorescences of hemp (Cannabis sativa) plants using a vacuum treatment of the seeds before sowing Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    4.  2020 560 6922 Method of increasing the steviol glycoside content of sweet stevia by pre-sowing cold plasma treatment of stevia seeds Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    5.  2020 035 6915 Flat high-speed piezoelectric motor Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    6.  2020 015 6796 Optical beam intensity control system with piezoelectric actuator Kaunas University of Technology, LT
    Vilnius Gediminas Tevhnical University, LT
    Vytautas Magnus university, LT
    7.  2019 024 6701 Biofuel pellets/sorbent for bean waste, fertilizer Vytautas Magnus university, LT