The 2nd newsletter of the Entrepreneur project

    The 2nd newsletter of the Entrepreneur project is out! Check it out to stay up-to-date with all the project’s updates. Read the newsletter here:

    Success stories

    Vytautas Magnus University is a constant companion to the success story of implementing R & D & I activities. Results are crucial in cross-sectoral cooperation as thy can then synergistically change established environments, bring commercialized results to light. Therefore, several examples of cross-sectoral cooperation can be identified, when created projects grow into world-class innovations.


    ·        “Semantika”. A product created by scientists that has received many awards. Information system of Lithuanian syntactic and semantic analysis (LKSSAIS) is a unique Lithuanian language infrastructure and state information system providing Lithuanian written language analysis and Lithuanian speech recognition services. After the implementation of project no. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-527-01-0002 (“Semantika-2”) in 2020, the system was modernized and 3 new language technology services with 12 language technology IT solutions were developed, which anyone can use freely and for free. The main goal of the modernization of LKSSAIS is to perform the extraction of Lithuanian electronic texts from the Internet and phonograms by means of information technology, to perform an analysis of a wide range of Lithuanian electronic texts, to provide tools and electronic services for working with Lithuanian electronic texts that save working time and increase work efficiency.

    ·       “KOOPER”. A platform for the management and decision-making of advanced business systems in the network of cooperation of agricultural entities. The aim: to perform a pilot implementations of a prototype of a specialized process management and decision-making platform for agricultural producer organizations based on learning neural networks and to test it in real economic, technical and information conditions, to collect and systematize consumers feedback.

    ·       UAB “Amber charge” technology. Electroporation can and is often used in biotechnology companies where the transfer of drugs, proteins or nucleic acids into cells is required, in veterinary and medical institutions electroporation is applied in anticancer therapy, also in food companies and their laboratories for the processing of raw food materials. In all cases, electroporation often encounters efficiency problems. The reason for this is, on the one hand, a lack of knowledge, on the other hand, the lack of flexible functional electroporation systems. R&D research by companies and other research groups has revealed that in most cases, transmembrane substances. transport involves membrane permeation and electrophoresis of materials (with charge). Studies shows that these transmembrane transport processes are better controlled by high-power pulses of different amplitudes and durations.

    ·       UAB “Išmanusis drenažas” technology. Nowadays, almost all outdoor drainage in Lithuania operates in drainage mode, i. y. continuously drains free soil water from the drained soil layer. Such drainage operation prevents the accumulation and preservation with possibility to use of potential soil moisture reserves during dry periods. The process of regulating soil moisture has a positive impact on all aquatic ecosystems, by trapping nutrients where they are assimilated by agricultural crops. Regulated drainage allows for adaptation to or mitigation of climate change, because the denitrification process in the soil is accelerated and the release of nitrogen oxides (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere is reduced. This shows the importance of management of the controlled drainage system. Management is a precision solution, in order to rationally manage water resources under different humidity regime conditions, it is necessary to evaluate several selected characteristics in a complex way and only then to choose a rational solution. With the help of various sensors, the user will be allowed to monitor the data of the soil moisture in real time, water runoff, groundwater level, precipitation, etc. by the system. In addition to this the algorithms by analyzing these monitored data, will form a real-time recommendation for the regulation of the drainage system.

    ·       UAB “Intelektika” is a spin-off established by Vytautas Magnus University in 2020. September. It is science-intensive spin-off which extended the experience and knowledge gained by Vytautas Magnus University researchers over many years in the fields of language technology, artificial intelligence technology, deep and machine learning, data and signal analysis. Its founders are researchers of the VMU Faculty of Informatics and the university itself. The main goals of the company are to carry out applied research, employ scientific knowledge, introduce it to the market and adapt it to practical business needs, turn language and artificial technologies created and developed at the university and the company into innovative products and services.

    Innovation at VMU

    The development of innovations is a constantly changing process at Vytautas Magnus University. Currently, most innovations are developed in five groups: biotechnology, agricultural technology, digital technology, engineering technology, educational innovation.

    • Biotechnologies: multistage digestate cleaning technology, hybrid fermentation modular biogas power plant technology, insect breeding technology, systemic biotechnology that enables claning of industrial and circulating wastewater from toxic metal, technology of internal circulation and air supply system air purification from harmful microbiological components, technology of aerobic processing of the bird manure, biogas production technology from hard to decompose biomass.
    • Agricultural technologies: hydroponic plant cultivation, the prototype of the combine thresher block, the technology of the contaminated soil cleaning, natural food products, technology of direct sowing into uncultivated soil, technology for the production of granular fuel from polynomial crop crops, technology of ventilation system controller, drying systems for biologically valuable products, demonstration prototype or the aquaponics system, demonstration prototype  of the URS systems with erlifts, two component new generation liquid plant biostimulator.
    • Digital technologies: platform for cooperation and sharing of agricultural machinery between agricultural entities, algorithm for increasing farm income and forming producer organizations, aspect-based opinion evaluation technology, platform for marketing, collection and optimal commercial use of organic biomass, a platform for energy reduction and efficient remote operation of heating / cooling systems in buildings, an automated monitoring and information analysis system that would increase the level of IT management automation and address other shortcomings of existing IT management and security systems on the market is under construction, an intelligent system that allows you to create and effectively manage advertising content on social networks and optimize advertising costs.
    • Engineering technologies: A prototype of a stable, self-expanding 3D frame will be developed on the basis of 4D printing technology, the technology of multiple identification systems consisting of optical-polygraphic technology synthesis generated codes and functional materials production, an automated verification system based on smart device solutions and capabilities, cloud computing, artificial intellect, technology of surface sterilization equipment, miniaturized and integrated methods of chemical analysis, development and application of portable, autonomous hardware and software for analysis.
    • Educational innovation: the development of a smart education monitoring system, which would enable more flexible integration into the formal education process, supplementing it with the most effective elements of non-formal education and achieving optimal learning outcomes, applied research (development of applied algorithms based on existing basic algorithms) and experimental development in the interface between educology and data science, to develop a monitoring and decision-making system to improve the efficiency of the learning process, innovative audiovisual technologies.

    About CTTC

    Vytautas Magnus University is forming the cradle of interdisciplinary innovations that offer breakthroughs and sustainable solutions. Both researchers and an extensive network of partners allow them to feel the real needs of the market and focus research and experimental development on long-term and adaptable results. The range of services provided by Vytautas Magnus University is extremely wide: laboratory infrastructure has been completed, where various types of research can be performed, expert potential has been developed, competencies have been developed in developing international and national projects, R&D services for economic entities and close cross-sectoral cooperation are actively provided. However, in order to provide the highest quality services and help everyone interested to find both scientists and partners in a targeted way, and to form clear proposals, VMU Communication and Technology Transfer Center has been established to ensure the cooperation of science and economic entities.

    The aim of the VMU Communication and Technology Transfer Center is to ensure smooth and high-quality implementation of research and experimental development orders, to promote cross-sectoral cooperation by developing innovative solutions. VMU CTTC executes the dissemination and ensures installation of the innovations, technology transfer and commercialization. Main services:

    • Preparation of proposals for research and experimental development services
    • Technology transfer
    • Preparation of the project
    • Protection of intellectual property
    • Communication and public relations
    • Expert consultations